安全監控市場 IP 化已成目前的趨勢,如何將現有的傳統類比監控系統數位化是許多系統整合商面臨的一大挑戰,特別是當現有架構中的既有線路為雙絞線或電話線時,更增加專案的複雜程度。為使網路架構更具彈性,益網科技推出新一代雙絞線乙太網路延伸器解決方案,透過既有線路傳輸並延伸網路距離,在佈建光纖不易的環境中也能突破傳統網路線距離最長僅有100公尺的限制,使您的網路架構更具彈性並大幅降低建置成本。
Hardened Ethernet equipment with superior reliability, long MBTF, redundant power support, wide operating temperature range, EDI, EMI, RFI and surge protection.
Full Product Testing
Our hardened products are required to pass stringent real-time data transfer testing at the temperature from -40° to +85°C for up to 72 hours without compromise.
Customer-centered Services
EtherWAN has a professional support crew, with domain know-how and hands-on experience working with system integrators and solution providers.